We have been a charter chapter since 1992!
About Us
Solon Dollars for Scholars® was organized in 1992 to provide scholarships to all Solon, IA graduates who choose to continue their post-secondary education. Our selection criterion considers academics, school and community involvement and financial need. A volunteer board guides it and the funds raised are awarded in scholarships. Our community actively supports and encourages our students' pursuit of education through Solon Dollars for Scholars. Our organizations' strength comes from volunteers and contributors like you. We are members of Iowa Dollars for Scholars and Scholarship America. Our goal is to enhance the opportunity for every high school graduate to benefit from post secondary education. In the last 30 years, Solon Dollars for Scholars has awarded over $1,000,000 to Solon Students who are continuing their education.
What is Solon Dollars for Scholars?
Solon Dollars for Scholars is a grassroots, community-based, volunteer-driven scholarship foundation devoted to helping high school students in our community financially afford to go to college, including trade and technical schools, community and junior colleges, and four-year colleges and universities. Dollars for Scholars is a program of Scholarship America®, the nation's largest nonprofit, private sector scholarship and educational support organization.
Why Does Solon Need Dollars for Scholars?
Graduates of Solon High School currently have very limited local scholarship opportunities, with the majority of those scholarships going to the highest academically ranked students. Dollars for Scholars encourages all students to continue their education and will make the transition from high school a little easier by providing aid that would allow students to work less while in school.
Who can join?
Membership in Solon Dollars for Scholars is open anyone who is concerned about helping high school graduates obtain a post-secondary education.
Who can apply for scholarships?
Every Solon High School senior can apply for a 1st year scholarship. Also, any Solon graduate who has completed their freshman year and are registered for a minimum of 12 semester hours may apply any following year for 1 to 3 years of financial support, not to extend beyond their 4th undergraduate year.
How does the organization raise money?
Solon Dollars for Scholars hosts two main annual fundraisers - the spring event, which varies from year to year (past events include the "Bringing in the Green" Carnival and the "Going Fore the Green" mini-golf event) is usually scheduled for a weekend in March and the fall dinner and charity auction in October. We also accept gifts of cash and auction items from individuals and organizations, as well as corporate cash and in-kind support. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Why is this so important?
The cost of college keeps rising at a rapid pace; inflation-adjusted college tuition cost has more than doubled in the past 15 years. The one thing that has always been key to the success of individuals, and to the vibrancy of our society and economy, is increasingly out of reach for many deserving students. Solon Dollars for Scholars is committed to investing in our students, and in our community.
How do students apply for the scholarship?
Applications are available through this website - click the Students and Parents tab to begin.
Is the student required to attend a four-year college or university to receive a scholarship?
No. Solon Dollars for Scholars encourages every student to continue their education in any way they choose. A student may attend any accredited community college, trade school, technical school, nursing school, beauty school, junior college, or a four-year college or University. This means a student may continue their education at any accredited school, and in any place they desire.
Will Solon Dollars For Scholars take the place of scholarships that are currently awarded through companies or civic organizations?
No, we hope to increase the number of scholarships awarded. Any group that currently awards scholarships may choose to come under the umbrella of Solon Dollars for Scholars, which would take over the task of screening applications and would award the scholarships in the group's or company's name. The donor would have final approval on the awarding of the scholarship.
Where does the scholarship money come from?
Funds are being donated from area individuals, businesses, foundations, and others to support Solon Dollars for Scholars program, both for current and endowment gifts.